Monday, May 08, 2006

liberal intolerance

The intolerance of the so-called liberal party is wondrous. I cannot fathom why more people are not writing on the topic these days. The liberal party is become wondrously intolerant. The Republican Party, which I always believed in despite its lack of embracing the other, has now become the party which embraces acceptance and tolerance. Gone forever are the days when we will listen to the dronings of a man who drowned his girlfriend and tried to run for president in the name of liberalism.
What is liberalism? Not surely the rantings of a former KKK member of the senate. How can the dems possibly proclaim tolerance? Who do they tolerate? They stand for the fetus aborted at the last moment- for the health of the mother- though none in the US can figure out what that means. Meanwhile the neocons are giving education everything, despite the hatred of the educators. As an educator and an independent I do hate that. I deplore the part of Bush which cries for greater government, but will I ever vote against the party of Ted, Hillary, and John. Not in this lifetime.


Deborah said...

Ever heard of Tammy Bruce? She's a lesbian, pro-choice, feminist. She used to be a liberal, is now a conservative (well, at least she is now anti-liberal, maybe not totally conservative yet). She talks a lot in her book THE DEATH OF RIGHT AND WRONG about how intolerant the Left is, and how Conservatives (and ESPECIALLY Christians!) have been so kind and accepting of her (while still disagreeing with her and saying so directly). This kindness led her to seek out what was going on with Conservatives, and now she even writes for a Conservative causes.

Patrick Davis said...

Is that the same Tammy Bruce that I know? I am surprised at her change.

Deborah said...
check her out :)