Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Difference in Lying

The Difference in Lying
In 1975 the US media proved beyond all doubt that Nixon was lying, and that he was a scoundrel. Most of the Republican party deserted him at that point; some including Billy Graham, did not. May both be blessed because of their beliefs!
In 1992, Bill Clinton got elected, and though he does not yet know in his fifties what the meaning of is is, he molested and denigrated women, albeit all were Democrats. At least he was consistent.
But the question I want answered is why my fellow compatriots declare Bill Clinton the best president ever and why they neglect his obvious self denigration and self gathering? How can they be so blind? In history only Chamberlain was so blind, working furiously for peace seven years after Churchill told him of coming evil. If only Chamberlain had listened- what kind of different world would we have now? I am not dismayed by Democrats opposition (I am not, nor have ever been a Republican, though I sleep next to a converted Republican every night), I am just dismayed by their lack of fidelity. Evidently they still think Stalin and Castro heroes, as in the past, but they cannot realize evil as evil.  Of such I will forever shrink from.

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